Friday 19 May 2017



What are you lot moaning about?  Okay, it's a back cover, but it's still a cover, ain't it?!  A superb piece by the great KEN REID, who was helping out a well-known artist - well, you can see his name for yourself at the top of the page.  I'd love to see the 'original' art for this, because if it's bigger than A4, then Ken must either have traced it from an enlarged photocopy, or covered the back in pencil and drawn over the outline to transfer it onto art-board.  Or used a projector - or even 'graphed' it.  Why do I think that?  Because all the 'errors' and imperfections in my drawing are still there, and I'm sure he'd have fixed them had he completely redrawn it.  Whichever method he used, he finished it off with his usual detailed inking style.

Incidentally, I drew the original of this on Sunday, March 4th 1973, the day after the first issue came out, and posted it to IPC on the Monday.  I was at my grandparents when I drew it, lying on the carpet in front of the electric fire, and whenever I look at the above page, I'm back lying on that carpet again in 1973.


  1. I remember this from a post a very long time ago! What was that post called, Kidda?

  2. 'Rich Beyond the Dreams of Avarice', JP.


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