Monday 15 May 2017


Image copyright U.N.C.L.E.  (Tee-hee!)

I wonder if ROBERT VAUGHN was ever p*ssed off by DAVID McCALLUM stealing the spotlight in NBC's The MAN From U.N.C.L.E. ?  Vaughn was meant to be the star, but McCallum got most of the fan mail - and his part was intended to be nixed for the series by an executive after viewing the pilot (in which McCallum didn't feature much, it has to be said), but they got rid of the wrong actor by mistake. Executives, eh?


  1. As a kid, I knew Napoleon Solo was as the main man. Though they did work as a team. It was mainly girls who pushed Kuryakin's popularity. Trivia time, the show was replaced by Laugh- in and Mccallum made a guest appearance in character in the first show.

  2. Yeah, but how irritating must that have been to RV, PS? The girls fancying DM instead of him. No guy would like that.


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