Monday 15 May 2017


Remember the BBC 2 'intermission' card?  Let's take a little look at it for old time's sake.  (That girl's probably a pensioner now.  And the clown will most likely be dead!)

Oh, wait a minute - it was the photo used in the 'test' card, which was used when there was an intermission between broadcasts - so it was an intermission and a test card. 

And above is Carole Hersee & Bubbles in 2008.  See AM's comment in (where else?) the comments section and click on his link for further details and another photo.


  1. Hell's Bells, AM, she's about the same age as me. Thanks for the link, good to see they're both well.

  2. Both aged well, although the clown is thinner in the face and has lost some hair, but hey haven't we all!
    Did it make a high pitched noise? I always thought it was there to wake you up after watching Hammer horrors!


  3. Its hats on at a different angle, T, so I wonder if it's actually lost hair, or it's just a case of it being out of sight 'round the other side of his head.

  4. Of course I remember. One the one hand nostalgia. Oh the other hand waiting for programs to start.....

  5. It's strange hearing from an American who's so familiar with so many British icons, PS. Do you ever feel out of the loop when you hear fellow Americans discussing things they watched on TV while you were living in Britain?

    1. Yeah! There's a few songs in the new Guardians of the Galaxy 2 movie I don't know. I realize they must have been US only hits and never made it to the U.K. In the 70s. And sometimes I'll play a song for my son and he'll say he's never heard it even on the oldies station because it was a U.K. Only hit. Or when he watches Monty Python and I have to explain that's a reference to Biggles since he has no idea who that is.

  6. He doesn't know Biggles? The mind boggles!


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