Wednesday 10 May 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Picked up this great book in a comicbook store today, but they saw me before I could get out the door with it.  (Hee hee, wotta laugh I am and no mistake.)  Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting into its pages as it's a belter.  Read the spiel on the back cover below and see if you can resist the lure of the MARVEL magic within.


  1. Is this the story when Silvermane shrinks to nothing? I would buy that because I have that one issue but none of the rest of the storyline.

  2. Dunno, PS, haven't read it yet. Will let you know when I do.

  3. This is one of my favourite Spider-Man tales (the Romita one). I already have some of the original comics that this appeared in and the rest of it in reprints so I won’t be purchasing it - but one to be HIGHLY recommended if you don’t have these or haven't read them. I don't think I have seen the Steve Rude story so I might ahve a wee look next time I'm in Glasgow.

    Phil yes this is indeed the story where Silvermane gets younger and younger until he disappears.

  4. Steve Rude, 'though a great artist, seems to have difficulty when it comes to shadows and reflections, PM. In a Thor story he drew, a figure with a spear (or something) in his hand, cast a shadow on the ground with the spear in the other hand. And in a panel of one of his Spidey strips in this book, Peter and Gwen's reflection can be seen in a mirror, but they're the wrong way 'round. Jack Kirby had something similar, in that he sometimes gave characters two left hands or feet. Incidentally, the Rude tales look awesome - you should buy the book for them alone. I also have the Romita stories in reprints, plus I've got the original issue of the one guest-starring Quicksilver.

  5. I'm starting to think you have shares in FP Glasgow! :) - Im downsizing my comics collection (and other areas like music etc) so now only buy it something I really want and don't already have - currently (well last 20 years) anything Frank Robbins - I should like Rude's work more than I do, hes a fantastic artist, but something about it is a bit "stiff"

  6. And all other good comics shops, don't forget, PM. If only, eh? Nah, it's nothing to do with me - I've got enough on my hands being a 'forbidden blogger'. Wait 'til you see the book - Rude's art is very Romita-ish.


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