Thursday 11 May 2017


Image copyright DC COMICS

A nice little visual gag on the cover of POLICE COMICS
#70 from 1947 that I just had to share with you.  The art is by
JACK COLE, the laughing is by you and me.  Great, eh?


  1. Of course, the Golden Age Plastic Man was before my time, although I've read a few reprints in DC comics.

    DC tried starring PM in his own comic in the 1960's and again in the 1970's. Each run lasted ten issues. He also had a strip that ran as a back-up in Adventure Comics ca. 1980, and occasionally guest starred with Batman in Brave & Bold.

    My impression is that more recent revivals have tried to make him grim-and-gritty. DC just doesn't seem to grasp that some characters (Batman, Deadman, Spectre) are well suited to a grimdark style, while others (Plastic Man, the original Captain Marvel) work better when done tongue-in-cheek.

    I may be the only person who liked the Silver Age version. It came out in 1966-67, during the Batman TV show/camp comedy fad, and was played strictly for laughs. Oddly, though, the 1970's run was, if anything, even sillier and campier.

  2. That's the stories I read too, TC (reprints), but I first saw Plastic Man in an ad for #1 of his first issue in the '60s. Had the '70s runs ('though I'm unsure if I bought every ish) and still have a few lying around somewhere. I've also got a four issue series from the late '80s or early to mid-'90s.

  3. I first read Plas in the 100 page giants as reprints. I thought he was great and loved his offbeat humor. You're right, writers don't seem to understand Plas is a parody hero. He doesn't work in "reality". Here's a great read of CC Beck and Captain Marvel.

  4. Read the interview, PS. He sure knew his own mind, eh? Personally, I didn't see much difference between the quality of the DC stories and the Fawcett ones, but I'd have to re-read examples of each in order to compare them better.


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