Friday 26 May 2017


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If you're a child of the '60s (otherwise known today as decrepit old fart), then you'll probably love MICHAEL EURY's new softcover book (from TWOMORROWS Publishing) entitled HERO-A-GO-GO!  Sadly, I can't open it wide enough to scan without risk of damaging its spine, so you'll have to glean what it's all about from the back cover spiel.  Available now from all good comics shops.  Treat yourself and buy your copy of this titanic tome today.


  1. I do not remember all of those from way back of course Lost in space, SS. Who is the Hulk look alike? I Have that Scooter No 1 some nice Joe Orlando art in that easy reading comic.


  2. The 'Hulk lookalike' is Frankenstein, T, from when he was a superhero. (Nope, that's not a typo.)

  3. I remember Dell did comics in 1966 that were loosely based on the old Universal horror movies.

    The figures on the lower left are Captain Action and Dr. Evil. The one in the center is the short-lived 1966 Captain Marvel. I don't recognize the other two offhand.

    I recognize all of the characters on the back cover. Did Captain Nice ever air in the UK? It was a TV sitcom that was a spoof of the Batman/superhero fad.

  4. I don't recall ever seeing Captain Nice on TV, TC, so it's possible it was never shown over here. However, we did get Mister Terrific for some reason.

  5. Well, top right of the front cover is ACG's Nemesis ( not a patch on Nemesis the Warlock! ) and top left, back cover is ACG's Herbie, the Fat Fury!
    TC recognised MF Enterprise's Captain Marvel, nothing to do with the other Captain Marvels.
    I bought that Swing With Scooter #1 too.
    I never bothered with #2!

  6. Never bought that ish, JP, but I remember the ad for it.

  7. Philip Crawley27 May 2017 at 04:44

    I'm liking these Monster Mash style overviews of the pop culture of our era. Two Morrows also has another one entitled 'Groovy' looking at the more Psychedelic influence on comics, TV etc. Don't recall if I saw it on their releases pages or coming soon but judging by the digital preview sample pages it looks to be another one to add to a growing library of these types of tomes.

  8. I'll keep an eye out for that, PC, so ta for the heads-up. This one has some nice images.

  9. This one is on my list. Thanks for the preview.

    Rip Off

  10. Nae bother, RJ. It's got a lot in it and is an interesting read, so I think you'll enjoy it.

    Here's one I recommend to you, Kid!
    I'll tell you more when mine arrives!

  12. You've gone ape over this topic, JP.


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