Friday 26 May 2017



A tenuous connection to BATMAN to be sure - and can they accurately be called specs when they have no glass to enable the wearer to see?  Ah, but what about X-Ray Specs you ask - they had no glass either.  True, but they did enable the wearer to 'see' things differently, and at least they looked like specs.  Anyway, I'm sure I had a pair of the above 'specs' when I was a kid.  Did any of the rest of you?  Do tell in the CS.


  1. Never saw these before. But then, there was so much Batman merchandise in 1966-67, it would have been easy to overlook some of it.

  2. It's always possible that they were only sold in Britain, TC, which might explain why you never saw them.

  3. I am STILL interested in purchasing a pair of X-Ray Specs that really work!
    For purely scientific reasons, of course!

  4. Yeah kid I had a pair of them in 66 got them from Woolworths I think. Thought I looked really cool in them at the time oh the folly of youth

  5. I think we'd all be interested in a pair like that, JP. Let me know if you ever find them.


    You're telling me, S. I had a homemade Batman costume that really sucked, but I thought I was the real deal.

  6. Hey my mom had to make me a homemade Batman cape. I still have the photo.

  7. My Batman cape was a black raincoat with the sleeves pulled outside in, PS. What's worse is it had a checked lining.


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