Tuesday 11 April 2017


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

Back in 1973 when The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL #20 ran a double-page ad for the new SPIDER-MAN COMICS WEEKLY #1, they utilised a copy of the original cover proof of JOURNEY Into MYSTERY #83 for the 2nd page - with one difference.  THOR was 'beefed up' a little in the arms and legs department, though his torso remained untouched.  We've seen quite a bit of the original pic around here recently, but I thought you could stand seeing it again from its 1973 outing.  (Who's gonna kick sand in his face, eh?)


(Actually, his left arm remained untouched, but 'arm and legs department' doesn't really sound quite right, does it?)


  1. I remember that advert like it was yesterday

  2. I wish I could have been in the room that chose which strip was going to appear in which mag. "Thor or Ant Man?" "Let's keep it to the one insect"

  3. Hey, now there's an idea: 'Insect-Men Comics Weekly'! What a missed opportunity.

  4. Kidda, you know what I'M like! You have now given me the desire to view ALL of the different connotations of this picture gathered together in one gallery!
    ( You are feeding my addictions! )

  5. I'll leave that for a bit, JP - I'm verging on overkill already. One day down the line I'll put them all in a post.


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