Tuesday 11 April 2017


A good while back I promised to show you the THUNDERBIRDS cards included in packets of Sweet Cigarettes produced by BARRATT.  Well, it's taken longer than anticipated, but here at last is the first 10 of them.  More will be along before you know it, you lucky Criv-ites you.


  1. Yes, you did and the Captain Scarlet bubblegum cards as well, so thanks for remembering. I did have some of these, but not the full set. Thunderbirds were everywhere in '66, - do you remember the Kellog's cereal boxes?
    On the subject of ciggie cards, I asked you last time about the Fireball cards. Well, I have since found out that they were Cadets' and the Space Patrol were Primrose's, ( but the latter didn't feature pix of the programme, - just different types of rockets, etc. )

  2. Yup, indeed I do remember the cereal boxes, JP. You can get replicas of them on eBay. Might buy some one day.


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