Tuesday 4 April 2017


Anyone remember the KENROY Auto-Caddy?  There was one in our kitchen in the 1960s and '70s, and also my grandparents'.  Of course, when teabags took off, the Auto-Caddy's fate was sealed and it became redundant, but it was once a common feature of U.K. kitchens in an age now vanished forever.


  1. Ohh that takes me right back, we never had this but I do remember a neighbour having one of these on her wall but I never knew what it was for at the time (there never seemed to be anything in it). We used to have a tin (black with a Chinese scene on it – I’ve seen new ones with this design still being produced) for our loose tea.

    I used to love it when my mum bought a new packet of loose tea (usually PG Tips, Brooke Bond or Typhoo) as I collected (most of) the cards that were on each packet and would send away for the book to stick them in. I remember collecting cards on subjects including flags, birds, ships, Space and cars although I rarely (if ever) managed to get an entire set before they changed the card set. I was close to getting all the cards in the car set but missed out on one, when I eventually gave the book and the cards to my pal Alan ( a car fanatic) I came across the final card I needed the very next day in a packet of tea that was at the back of the larder. I seem to remember some packet tea having a “stamp” on them but can’t recall what they were for does any one remember that?

  2. That's a bummer, PM - giving your cards away and then finding the one you need to complete the set the next day. Dooooohh! (Did you pass it on to your pal?) I'm going to keep my eye out for the Auto-Caddy (just missed one on eBay, 'though there may be one in the house somewhere), 'cos I'd use it for coffee. The tea stamp sounds familiar, but I don't know what it was for. Probably to show that a batch number had been approved, or something like that.

  3. Yeah I gave Alan the card (I can still see the card/car in my minds eye lol) I have actually seen that card several times in "nostalgia" shops and in the Barras for 10p (never bothered to pick it up though) Alan gave me a couple of UK comics for the set so I was pretty happy. Good luck in your search for a caddy.

  4. Ah, PM, so many things still to track down, so little time left. I'll give it a try 'though.

  5. Tea bags ugh. Remember the monkey adverts for Brooke Bond?

  6. Sure do, PS. Brooke Bond PG Tips. Happy days.

  7. Oh, we had one too. Those were the days! - when tea TASTED like tea! Before bland teabags!
    You couldn't beat a good old STRONG mug of Typhoo for flavour!

  8. The one that belonged to my grandparents might actually be lying about the house, tucked away in a box somewhere, JP. I remember seeing it just a few short years ago.

  9. The Kenroy Auto Caddy was designed and sold by my Dad, his company was called Kenroy as an amalgamation of his name.. Roy Aitken.. That's my childhood right there!

  10. I think that's everyone's (of a certain age) childhood right there, SaM. I managed to buy one still in its mailing box on ebay, and I'm thinking of using it for coffee. One look at it and I'm back in the '60s. Your dad did good.


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