Tuesday 4 April 2017


Every Christmas, I put out on display three or four 'snowstorms', but this is one I don't have.  I'd like to have it though, so if you've got one lying around, send it to me at once.  "You will obey!"


  1. Without checking, I would bet that this came out in '65, which was THE year for Daleks merch!
    If I hear of one going, I'll let you know, but, be prepared to dig VERY deep in those pockets of yours!
    ( Any better yet? Been to the docs? )

  2. Getting better slowly but surely, JP, thanks for asking. Incidentally, the box is dated 1965, so that'll be a clue. I like the snowstorm, but I wouldn't pay silly money for one unless I won the Lottery.

    1. You know MY eyesight!
      I struggled to read "DALEKS"!
      Any more annual strips coming this way?

  3. I've just been watching your pal Moonmando singing "Will The Circle Be Unbroken". Very nice !

  4. Perhaps, JP, perhaps.


    I taught him everything he knows, CJ. Especially in the subject of telling lies.


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