Sunday 2 April 2017



Above is the original final caption box of THOR'S origin from JIM #83 before it was changed to how it saw print, below.  (With Thor missspelt as THORR.)  Interesting to see that perhaps Thor was intended as a try-out character to test reader reaction before launching him in a series.  I say "perhaps" because this may merely have been a gimmick to make readers think they had a say in what was published.  I'd imagine that it's more than likely the next few episodes were already lying in a drawer in STAN LEE's office.

UPDATE:  (See "Can anyone kindly explain this mystery to me?" post.)

For those who are interested, here's the inferior, re-lettered version from the first printing of the THOR MASTERWORKS book, and subsequent re-printings up to the softcover release.

When I first saw the above abomination, I re-lettered a new one (by hand) with amended spelling from the original - and sent it to TOM BREVOORT for use in future reprintings.  It was never needed though, as superior stats of the original proofs were eventually discovered.

Below is the original and my re-lettered version, side-by-side.


  1. Worthy of a repost too, Kidda!
    ( BTW, are you better now? Hope so! )
    I'll leave you with an ode ( for Odin! )
    Thor, the Mighty Thunder God
    Went riding on his filly,
    " I'm Thor! ", he cried,
    The horse replied,
    " You've lotht your thaddle, thilly! "

  2. Nah, still struggling with a chest infection of some kind, JP. My lungs are wheezing and crackling, so it's the doc for me if it doesn't clear up soon. Good ode.


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