Sunday 2 April 2017


Just had to print this ad because it's so nice.  Looks like
the work of RON EMBLETON, and someone has made
fridge magnets out of it and is selling them on eBay.


  1. Never seen this before, Kid! - nice one!

  2. I'd love to have the kit, JP. Probably costs a fortune nowadays.

  3. I had a Stingray model the first time around when I was about 6 years old , one of my favourite toy models as a kid (along with the Corgi Batmobile 007 car and the Man From Uncle car) - fav was the Batmobile (still regret getting rid if that one)

  4. I had the Lone Star rubber band powered Stingray, which I used to play with in the bath. (Funnily enough, I'd have been 6 at the time as well.) Got a replacement for it some years back now. I've got all the cars you mention, PM, but unfortunately I've only got TWO Corgi Batmobiles and because I'm a greedy b*st*rd, you're not getting one.


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