Sunday 9 April 2017


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

I first read this tale in SMASH! in the 1960s, and again in MARVEL SUPER-HEROES in the '70s and there's just something about it that really grabs me.  (Despite STAN LEE having RICK JONES say that The HULK's secret identity is Dr. DON BLAKE, but hey - nobody's perfect, eh?)  Hulkie looks a bit small to me, which was a fault JACK KIRBY had, but it's not the real Hulk anyway so we'll overlook it this time.  Not exactly an action-packed cover, but nice enough.


  1. And that is exactly the same order that I first encountered this marvelous tale, too!

  2. So it was YOU reading them over my shoulder from behind the armchair. (I knew there was someone there.)


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