Sunday 9 April 2017


I've had enough!  I'm fed up leaving comments on other blogs to demonstrate I'm showing an interest and that their efforts haven't gone unnoticed, only to find when I revisit that my comment hasn't been acknowledged.  I just find this terribly rude, so the next time I leave a comment somewhere that gets ignored, I won't be leaving any more comments.  In fact, I may even stop reading their blogs altogether.  They've only got themselves to blame.

Does such rudeness annoy you, Criv-ite chums?  All comments will be responded to - honest.


  1. It certainly would do, Kidda, I do always try and follow the excellent example I have learnt on here. I shall always answer every comment. It is only manners. ( Please forgive me if I am sometimes a tad late, though! )

  2. I don't mind 'late', JP (I've been so myself), but I'm irked by 'never'.

    1. I don't blame you, Kid. But another thing I notice in your archives is just how many BLOODY GOOD POSTS never even got a whisper ( from a time.before I learnt how to interact! )
      There are some.absolute corkers in the vaults that.deserved at least a "great post"!
      I would.put my stamp on them now, but it's only making more work!

  3. Oh dear! I bet I've been remiss! I follow up comments on my blogs when they need it, and didn't think others might want encouragement in this way. I apologise! But Kid, you know we love you, don't you?

  4. Wasn't really thinking of you, NB, 'cos I don't think you publish my comments most of the time anyway. (Hee hee.) And of course I know you all love me - after all, I'm so lovable.

  5. That annoys me as well although some folk are "worse" than others with some blogs never replying to anyone at all - I wonder why these people even have a comments section. I know people are very busy (I sometimes don’t have time to read blogs and comments either) but if they can post a new blog (regularly) they can take 10 mins (if that) to reply. And I have no problem if no one replies because someone else made a similar/same point earlier etc. The best blogs (imho) reply.

  6. There are some blogs I've followed which never answered comments so I stopped making comments and stopped reading the blog so I fully understand your annoyance, Kid. There's one blog (which I won't name) where the blogger used to answer comments when I first started reading the blog (in 2013) but then he took a long break and when he returned he hardly ever answered comments - and reading his older posts I saw a comment from YOU (that's got you guessing, eh ?...and no, it's not L.S.) Anyway, I keep reading his blog but I rarely make a comment now.

    1. McS, CJ, I know exactly what you mean and how you both feel and I, also, have stopped making comments on these offenders too!
      McS hit upon a valid point and, imho, don't publish a blog if you are not prepared to answer people!

  7. I think people who don't reply to comments are really only interested in expressing their view on something (whatever it happens to be), not in examining or discussing it, PM. In short, they're only interested in what they get out of the process, not in what the reader (and commenter) gets. In short, takers, not givers. I think it's only polite to respond to someone who's taken the time to read and comment on a post.


    Did he answer my comment that you saw, CJ, or was that ignored as well? If people can't be bothered replying to comments, they should just do away with the comments section altogether I think. However, then they'd have to do without having their egos tickled by knowing that their posts have prompted a response. As I said, it seems as if they're only interested in what they get from the blogging experience, not anyone else.

  8. Yup. You do very well here, as does Capn's Comics and a few others. It takes a lot of work do do a blog of this high quality so yes expect a reply by the owner.

  9. Doesn't seem any point to me, M, in inviting comments and then not replying to them. As I said, it's only polite to do so.

  10. I think many comments do not actually need a in-depth reply, but if you have comment "ON" then a thank you for your/our thoughts is minimal, this I try and if I have missed any my apologies to the blogasphere.
    You sir, are appreciated.

  11. Kid, I don't think the blogger in question answered your comment (I can't say for certain but I don't think he did). By the way, his blog doesn't appear in your blog list which is why I was surprised to see your comment - you obviously knew about the blog in question but it wasn't included in your blog list.

  12. Thanks very much, JS - as are you and all other commenters. (Apart from the few anonymous ones who try and submit abuse, obviously. Those ones don't get published.)


    Without knowing which one it is, CJ, I can't say for sure, but it may once have been in my blog list. I deleted a few when I found that I wasn't in theirs, as I tend to operate mostly on a reciprocal level.

  13. Kid, I've just realised that I didn't reply to your last comment on my blog so I'm probably on your blacklist...
    In my defense it was a post about the recent London terror attack and I really didn't have anything else helpful to say on that grim subject. But I'll try harder in future...

  14. No, I wasn't thinking of those who generally reply to comments but may miss the odd one, Cer - I've done that myself, inadvertently. I'm talking about those who never seem to respond to any comments, or who only respond on the very odd occasion. It makes me feel as if I'm just wasting my time.

  15. I'm sometimes surprised by which posts get commented on and which ones don't, JP, and I'm sure that most people with a blog feel the same way from time to time. I suppose it's just the luck of the draw 'though.

  16. Or at the very least, JP, don't have a comments section for people to comment if you're going to ignore them.

    1. That's right, you don't HAVE to have the comments section!

  17. That's the world put to rights now that we've all had a righteous vent. Anything else needing our attention, JP? Have you seen the price of cheese these days?

    1. No, but I HAVE seen the prices of both the reintroduction of vinyl ( pure exploitation! ) and the deluxe CD box sets of albums I already have ( I am talking about the Beatles on vinyl and Sgt. Pepper and Flowers In The Dirt repackages! )
      COME OFF IT, MacCa!
      You don't need THAT much money!
      We loyal fans have already spent a lifetime's worth of dosh on you! - Give us a good deal!

  18. As a commenter on blogs, I don't really care if I get a response from the blog owner or not. I just take the view that they don't have anything to say on whatever subject I've raised and that they therefore aren't saying anything about it, which always seems fair enough to me. My view is that, when I comment on a blog, I'm basically addressing anyone who reads the comments section, rather than the blog owner in particular. So I don't feel any need for a response from the blog owner.

    Because of that, I tend to take the same view on my own blog. As a blogger, I always respond to comments that ask a question or offer up new information. When it comes to more generic comments, I always try to respond to those too but, if I can't think of anything interesting to say in response to them, I generally don't say anything, as I'm always wary of cluttering up the comments section with my empty chit chat, which might be polite but won't be of interest to other readers. That's why I tend to occasionally post general thanks to everyone for commenting, rather than thanking individuals. For me, it's about striking a balance between being friendly to commenters and keeping the comments section, "Tight," for everyone else.

  19. I'm really thinking about those blogs where comments never seem to be replied to, SW. At least on your blog you generally reply, whereas I've seen myself commenting on some blogs because no one else has, and I imagine that, after putting some effort into their posts, the writers might be disappointed if it seems no one is responding to them. There was an occasion recently where I left an informative comment relating to a particular post - it was the only comment there, but it got no reply from the blog owner at all and sits all by itself, totally ignored. If someone dropped in to see you and you sat and ignored them and their attempts at conversation, you'd be considered rude. That's how I feel about blog owners who never seem to answer any comments. It just seems to me that they're not totally devoted to the experience of blogging. And hey, sometimes empty chit-chat is okay. Most face-to-face conversations consist of that very thing.

  20. There are some people who put a heckuva lot of thought and work intp their comments ( unlike ME! )
    Their comments add to the post and, as I see it, that makes the blog partly theirs. To ignore comments like that is just plain rude! How many seconds would a simple, "Thanks for your input!" take?

  21. That's how I see things, JP, 'though I understand NB's and SW's point of view. As I said, I wasn't really thinking of them, just the blogs that never seem to reply to anyone.


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