Sunday 26 February 2017


Hope all you regulars will forgive me for a second while I try and assist JP of MY OLD COMICS blog, who's having trouble getting a backdrop that doesn't fill the entire screen.  Here you go, JP - try this.  Have your blog's name over the image, as well as the tagline.  The image will be sharper of course, if you can crop your own copy of it to look like the one above.  If not, enlarge the above one to its fullest size before copying.


  1. Ah, cheers, Kidda, will swap them over! Only just noticed this! Been beavering away over there!

  2. Tried with and without description over the pic, but couldn't make out the description, so placed it under again!

  3. I've replaced your background with a darker version (on this post). Try it with big white letters for the blog title, perhaps with a shadow.


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