Sunday 26 February 2017


Images copyright REBELLION

Well, it's certainly far from exhaustive, but here's a selection of Anniversary 2000 A.D. covers from over the years.  I may have some more, but these are the only ones I could find at short notice.  How many of them do you have?  And if you've got any not seen here, send them to me at once.  I'll give them a good home - honest!

This one's still in its cellophane, hence the wrinkles


  1. Well, I had several copies of #500 too and one copy of #600, but I then soon started getting a bit bored with it. Zenith was the last strip that interested me, subsequent strips never grabbed me!
    ANYWAYS, for your interest (?),here are my top ten favourite 2000 AD strips: -
    1. Judge Dredd (+Anderson)
    2. Strontium Dog (+Durham)
    3. Nemesis
    4. Slaine
    5. Harry 20
    6. Rogue Trooper
    7. Sam Slade
    8. Ace Trucking
    9. Meltdown Man
    10. ABC Warriors

  2. I never really had any favourite strips (as in characters) in the comic. Strontium Dog and Rogue Trooper perhaps, once I started lettering them. What did you think of the JD strip I posted a couple of posts back? The one about the cat and the guinea pig.

    1. It was a bloody good tale, Kid, never seen it before and, at last, Mega City One has passed a law which I agree with!
      Anyway, as you've put me in the mood, I'll also give you my top ten Dredd storylines!
      1. Blockmania / Apocalypse War
      2. J. Death / Dark Judges / Necropolis
      3. Cursed Earth / Fink Angel / Return Of Mean Machine
      4. J. Cal
      5. J. Child / City Of The Damned
      6. Judgement Day
      7. Return Of Rico
      8. Chopper / Oz
      9. Mechanismo
      10. A Tale Of Two Cities ( unpublished story )

  3. I have a vague memory of lettering a 'Necropolis' logo (in fact, I think I used it in a flyer, but it's not at hand to check) - wonder if it was the same one?

    1. Can't find a pic of the UK JD strip from Prog #674, but if I find one, I'll send you a link. I first read the story in the US Fleetway comic books ( THESE were good quality comics, - card covered, like today's UK comic books! ) I regretted selling them, so I bought it again as.a graphic novel! I did this will all my favourite Dredd stories!

  4. Take a look at this post, JP: - you'll see the Necropolis logo that I did.

    1. Still haven't been able to find a scan of JD in Prog #674, but, if I ever find one, I'll let you know if it was yours that they used!

  5. I reckon it probably was, JP. Although Tom Frame lettered Dredd in 2000 A.D., I was regarded as the guy to come to when logos were needed.


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