Sunday 23 October 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Well, lookee here - it's DAIMON HELLSTROM, otherwise known as The SON Of SATAN.  Ooh, controversial or what, but MARVEL managed to pull it off.  This cracking collection gathers the full original run of these '70s tales together in one volume, which can be obtained from all good comics shops and bookstores for a paltry sum.  Run, don't walk, to your nearest one now!


  1. I have most of the stories in the original SOS regular series - I always felt the character had more potential than it actually did in reality. I do like the black and white tales and assume that the Russ Heath strip may be from a B&W so might consider it just for that one ( or might look out the original mag that tale appeared in)

  2. No, the Russ Heath strip is a colour one, PM, although one page is in b&w for dramatic effect. The book also contains the original, rejected page 12 of SOS #8.

  3. Mmmm so that must be in the regular series run if so I must have missed that issue - thanks for that info - love the cover one of my favourites.

  4. You'll be living on Spam for a month, PM - that's the Dr. Strange Omnibus and THIS book you have to buy. (Anybody remember Spam from when it had nothing to do with the internet?)

  5. Spam is a staple, like Ramen. Also, one of the better Monty Python skits! Love Daimon and his sister, Satana! Messed up family that was!

  6. Indeed they were. Must've eaten too much Spam.

  7. Oh I wont be buying the SOS epic collection Kid, just looking for the Russ Heath issue (if under £5) -

    Ahhhh SPAM I have to admit I was never a big fan of it - now do you remember "Potted Haugh" (gelatine and dodgey pieces of beef) I actually liked that with beans as a kid (Im sure all non Scots will be wondering what Im going on about) saw it in a butchers in Hamilton a few weeks ago and it looked a miserable wee bit of meat. I avoid processed meat now like the plague (although sometimes a wee bacon sanny can't be beaten)

  8. Yeah, I remember that, PM, but can't remember if I ever ate any, although my dad did. Love a bacon sandwich myself, or a roll and link sausages. (And as we all know, sausages are lovely little things - just ask Fyfe Robertson.)


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