Sunday 23 October 2016


Just learned via STEVE HOLLAND's blog (here) that artist STEVE DILLON has died at the age of 54.  I met Steve once (at least) in the 2000 A.D. offices, and used to letter ROGUE TROOPER when he illustrated it and SIMON GELLER wrote it.  I liked his art - he had a natural talent and was drawing professionally from the age of 16, and was every bit as good as older, more seasoned professionals.  The world of comics is the poorer for his untimely passing.  Read more about the man and his work at the above link.


  1. Yeah, it's a shame. Only 54 as well - too young.

  2. Really sad when anyone so young passes away. I remember reading early on that he was just a teenager / very early 20s when he was drawing for 2000AD , I was so jealous at that age my art compared to his was like a 5 year old, but he was one of my favourite 2000AD artists.One of the very first graphic novels/ collections I ever bought was for Steve's work ("Rouge Trooper") - I still have it. My condolences to Steves family and friends at this awful time.

  3. He'd only have been 23 when I met him on one of my earliest visits to the 2000 A.D. offices. That was 31 years ago, but seems like only yesterday to me. Could you check (if you get a moment) whether I lettered that Rogue Trooper collection, or was it an earlier one?

  4. Hi Kd, yes the lettering is indeed by a certain Gordon Robson (nice job as well) think I got this back in the late 1980's

  5. Nice of you to say so, PM, but I think I got better later. Some of my early stuff was serviceable, but not brilliant. If I remember correctly, writer Sim-1 (Simon Geller) had not long left the editorial staff of 2000 A.D. and become assistant editor on Mizz Magazine (thereby staying with IPC and avoiding Maxwell's clutches). He wrote the RT series as a freelancer.

  6. Flippin' eck! Only 54! What a sad shocker! I will have once owned all those 2000 AD's where you lettered his Rogue Troopers - the 80's was the best decade for Twoothy!
    Right, over to Bear Alley....

  7. I've still got mine, JP. I used to have a page of Steve's original art that he gifted to me, but I inadvertently included it in a batch of old art that I sold a good number of years ago. I'm still kicking myself, but I have the published page, plus a photo of the original art.


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