Thursday 15 September 2016


Images copyright REBELLION

"Kid Robson is a tall, handsome, articulate, windswept and interesting Scotsman who is easily the best lettering artist ever to work in comics.  And he also wears lovely trousers!" are words that you won't see in STEVE MacMANUS's new book, 'The MIGHTY ONE'.   Stevie Mac was the editor of 2000 A.D. who offered me work at a Glasgow comic mart in 1984, and is therefore the man responsible for unleashing me on the world of U.K. comics for 15 years (so blame him).

I acquired the book in Glasgow today and began reading it on the journey home, starting at the chapter relating the events of Steve's working life in 1985, as that's when I began my freelancing lettering career for 2000 A.D.  I've now worked my way through the beginning and have only a few middle chapters to go.  It's an engaging enough read, but I think it'll be of more interest to former and current comics pros, and avid (but ever-dwindling) 2000 A.D. fans than casual readers.

Comics editors aren't generally well-known outside of professional circles, so Steve's name alone probably won't be a huge draw (yeah, I know - nor would mine), but his association with 2000 A.D. will be sure to attract some attention, and he certainly deserves a nod of recognition for his many years of dedicated service to British comics after all this time.

Surprisingly, only six pages into the first chapter, Steve mistakenly identifies LEO BAXENDALE as the creator of DENNIS The MENACE, when, as every true fan knows, it was writer IAN CHISOLM and artist DAVEY LAW.  Some times even editors need an editor - that right, Steve?  (Hey, I'd have been happy to do it - and for nothing too!)

Don't let that put you off though.  If you're a 2000 A.D. fan, you're sure to enjoy the backstory to 'The Galaxy's Greatest Comic!'  Buy a copy today - only £9.99


Steve relates a tale about meeting someone who showed him lettering samples at Glasgow's The ROYAL STUART HOTEL in 1982.  However, that was me, and it took place in The MITCHEL LIBRARY (MOIR HALL) in October of '84.  Unless, of course, the same conversation occurred on two different occasions, but I'd consider it unlikely.


  1. H'mm - now where have I read that before?

  2. Hang on - you are still a tall, handsome, articulate, windswept and interesting Scotsman who is easily the best lettering artist
    ever to work in comics...aren't you?

    (I shan't make any guesses about the trousers)

  3. Well, modesty forbids, BS - modesty forbids...

  4. I've got a letter from "Tharg" somewhere, thanking me, but politely informing me that they don't need any more Dredd stories! 30 - odd years later and they still don't need any!

  5. I've got an autographed photo of Tharg, dedicated to "a great letterer, a fine Scotsman". Yes, it was ME he meant, surprisingly. (Flattery or raise the page rate - what would YOU have done?)

    1. I think I've seen it. I think you've shown us on the blog?

  6. Yup, on a post about 2000 A.D.'s 35th birthday, I think.


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