Tuesday 13 September 2016


KEITH VAZ?  Should be fired right away and not allowed to continue as an overpaid Labour MP now that he's shown himself to be a hypocrite, an adulterer, and someone who simply can't be trusted.  Cheated on his wife, offered to buy drugs for his rent boys, and yet there seems to be no outright condemnation of his behaviour, with fellow politicians saying "It's a private matter!"

Our politicians are corrupt and therefore cannot be trusted to put the country's interests before their own.  Do you know why the topics of whether prostitution should be a criminal offence, drugs should be legalized, or the age of consent should be lowered even further are always being investigated by government committees?  The answer is mind-numbingly simple, and it's this:

Far too many politicians these days are drug-addicts, prostitute-users, adulterers, or paedophiles who, in order to avoid criminal prosecution and public shame, are seeking to negate the stigma of their own seedy and sordid pursuits.  Caught using illegal drugs?  "It's not a crime!"  Caught paying for prostitutes?  "It's not illegal!"  Caught 'playing away from home'?  "It's a private matter!"  Caught with 13 or 14 year-old kids?  "They're of the age of consent!"  (And believe me, they will be if these b@st@rds ever get their way.)

Remember the expenses scandal?  Their excuse was that they "didn't break any rules".  Be warned - the old 'rules' are in danger of being rewritten to accommodate the tastes of our political 'masters'.  And, while pandering to their own appetites, they'll have the cheek to say that crime figures are falling.  Well of course they are.  That's the inevitable outcome of making everything legal.  If they get their way, one day 'crime' won't exist.

But that doesn't mean society will be a better place, only that many crimes won't be categorized as crimes anymore!  It's the world that's coming, alas!  The goalposts are ever-shifting and society is going to hell!


  1. Private matter, my arse!
    The dirty fecker's no better than Jimmy Saville. Hang the bastard high, I say!

  2. Well, I'm not sure that he's in Jimmy Savile's 'league', JP, but he's certainly not an 'honourable' member. Hang him? I'd settle for sacking him - and prosecuting him if appropriate

  3. A professional politician is a professionally dishonest man...an honest politician is as unthinkable as an ethical burglar. - H.L. Mencken

    The corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad. - Henry Kissinger

    The House of Commons is the longest running farce in the West End. - Cyril Smith

  4. It would have been totally wrong if he'd stayed on as chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee but he resigned and his career is basically ruined plus he's been publicly humilated. But I disagree that politicians just want to change the law for their own benefit as I'd also legalize prostitution and the war on drugs is a disaster which just benefits the drug barons so I'd think about legalizing drugs too. But I'd keep the age of consent where it is.

  5. Thanks for the quotes, TC. Seems Cyril Smith was a predatory paedophile, so he was as much a part of that farce as anyone - if not more so.


    He still shouldn't be allowed to remain an MP, CJ. Can't agree with you about legalizing drugs. To do so would only give criminals a 'legitimate' avenue through which to launder the proceeds of other criminal activity. IF the war on drugs is a disaster (and there are those who'd disagree with you) then it's only because it's not being fought hard enough. As for legalizing prostitution, if you had a daughter, would you really like her to view selling her body as merely another career option? Think things through, CJ, think things through. We've had this conversation before, and legalizing prostitution wouldn't keep 'working girls' safe, as there are always prostitutes who would not operate within 'government-sanctioned' premises because they're drug-addicts who - a) wouldn't be allowed to, and - b) wouldn't want to. And, sadly, there are always 'clients' who want to pay less and are prepared to take risks in the process.

    You, like many politicians, obviously think the best way to deal with crime is to decriminalize it. That's called 'giving in' in my book.

    And I'd raise the age of consent back to 21.

    Off to my scratcher now, so I'll reply to any further comments later.


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