Wednesday 21 September 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Do I need this book?  I've already got the stories.  I've got a few original issues of STRANGE TALES, various reprints in MARVEL COLLECTORS' ITEM CLASSICS, MARVEL TALES, and MARVEL MASTERWORKS, etc.  So I already have all the stories - several times over.

But hey, it's STAN LEE & STEVE DITKO, it's DOCTOR STRANGE, it's a great big deluxe hardback OMNIBUS volume - of course I need this book!  And so do you, so buy one as soon as you can!  And remember these immortal words - "May your amulet never tickle!"


  1. I bought that Strange Tales when it came out! - from a spinner rack in a village shop, called.Dickensons! I used to spend ages in there, on my knees in front of that rack and they never seemed to mind!

  2. Kid, buy this new book and send the old ones to recycling which means you'll have more room AND you'll be helping the environment :D

    1. CJ, it is an unthinkable, mortal SIN to recycle comics and books,etc.
      It is completely against the Collectors' Code of Practice!
      Shame on you, sir, for uttering such heresy on a collectors' blog!
      (And stop recycling your magazines about comics! I've been watching you!! )

  3. You should think about buying this book, JP. All the Ditko Strange Tales Dr. Strange issues, plus Spider-Man Annual #2, wherein Strange and Spidey meet. It's a cracker!


    Nah, can't do that, CJ. Each book has its own separate charm. The first printing of the Dr. Strange Masterworks edition had a new colour scheme, which in some ways was superior to the original. The trade paperback editions also contained the Strange Tales Dr. Strange stories by Everett, Severin, Adkins, and Tuska (also, the paper wasn't shiny) - so I could never part with them. I picked up the Omnibus volume today, and am gazing lovingly at it as I type.

  4. I have the first two volumes of Masterworks. How much more material does this cover ? Is it worth it ? It always annoys me to get reprint volumes just for that one story I don't have .....

  5. It has all the Ditko Dr. Strange issues, Phil - plus ASM Annual #2, as well as the covers and pin-ups of the 4 Dr. Strange Special Editions from the '80s, plus small cover repros of the Marvel Tales, etc., reprints. You already have everything you need in the 2 Masterworks books, but the Omnibus has nice big pages and has all the Ditko stuff in a single volume.

  6. Ooh, you're in trouble now, CJ - JP is on to you!

    You buying this volume, JP?

    1. It's on my list, but there are a few yet above it!

  7. Replies
    1. Too numerous to mention, Kid! The list keeps on growing and growing!

  8. Great to hear that this is now on sale - I'm just back from a few days holiday down South (where I managed to pick up some great early 1970s Marvel and DC comics) and just off to the Borders (Scottish sode) for a few days so this will need to wait till payday.

  9. Ah, but will it wait that long, U? It may well sell out.

  10. Thus has it ever been, thus shall it always be, JP. (H'mm, that was almost profound.)


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