Thursday 22 September 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Ooh, here's a great big beauty of a book for you - CAPTAIN AMERICA EPIC COLLECTION Volume 2.  With artwork by KIRBY, STERANKO, COLAN, ROMITA, and BUSCEMA, that sure is a roll-call of some heavy duty illustrators contained within the covers of a single softcover tome.  If you bought the first volume, then you'll definitely want to add this second one to your collection.  Now, which establishments would stock a book like this?  That's a tough one.  Wait a minute - I know!  All good comics shops and bookstores of course.


  1. I've been gathering up some Epic volumes of later (thanks to your recommendations I have to say) and my wallet is not happy but I am. They are great volumes, perfectly balanced to sit in lap as I gobble up great classic comics. I'm reading the Hulk volume right now and that's led me to read all of the early Marvel stuff (FF, Ant-Man, Thor, etc.) to build the context for his debut. The later volumes are likely not coming home with me, but I have to say stuff like this, Silver Age stuff will likely find a home.

    Rip Off

  2. Yeah, the Silver Age stuff is great in this format, Rip. No doubt there'll be a Dr. Strange Epic Collection along soon. I'll probably buy it, even 'though I've just bought the Omnibus edition. I'm a sucker for these things, I really am. Incidentally, curiously, your comments no longer appear in my email inbox like they used to. I now only see them when I log into the blog. Weird.

  3. I love Colan's art. But his costume design. Not so great.

  4. I guess Stan was happy enough with it 'though, Phil. If not, he'd soon have said.


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