Thursday 1 September 2016


Huh, I've never been so insulted! 
SHIRLEY EATON asked me to drop
my kecks, then whipped out binoculars
to examine the 'goods'.  Okay, I was quite
a distance away, but it hardly instils any
confidence in a fellow, even one whose
nickname happens to be 'Whopper'.
 ('Cos I do like a burger or two.)


  1. My father gave me a pair of binoculars for Christmas in 1984 but in the early '90s I sold them for £20 which is something I've always regretted doing. I've never owned any binoculars since.

  2. Could you buy them back, CJ? My parents gave our old sideboard to a relative while I was living down in Southsea for a few months, but I bought it back from him 12 years later. (I'm looking at it now.) Or if you've still got anything you bought with the £20, view it as a sort of present from your father.

  3. I have a nice pair. Of binoculars.

  4. Shirley has a nicer pair - not necessarily of binoculars.


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