Thursday 1 September 2016


don't think LINDA THORSON
has ever been in a BOND movie, making
her the only female AVENGER who hasn't.
Hardly fair, is it?  C'mon, EON, there's still
time to rectify your oversight - make her a
 Bond Girl of some description soon.


  1. I always thought Thorson got short changed. Everybody remembers Emma Peel, but no love for Tara King...I especially liked how psychedelic the episodes became during her run. Really out there.

  2. I loved Tars King, JA, but the 'Mother' as boss thing was just a bit too silly for me. Still, the last series had its moments I suppose.

  3. Linda Thorson was Canadian and she tried too hard to do a Mrs. Peel accent. She was also replacing a legendary actress. That's a Lotus Elite she's sitting on by the way.

  4. Funny name for her @rse, Phil.

  5. You sure? I thought she drove a Lotus Europa.

  6. I could check by digging out my Avengers Annual again, but it's at the bottom of a pile and I can't be bothered. Let's just say she drives a red car. Sorted.

  7. In decades of black and white to colour viewing of the Avengers the Bond connection had never occured to me before ....interesting fact to pass on while drinking: although (Trekkie alert) Linda is the only Avengerette to appear as a Cardassian.:) In addition I think Lotus Elite is a much better name for such a fine posterior.

  8. I think I'd agree with you on that, Glas. You can expect more pics of Linda from now on.

  9. You playing bingo again, JP?


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