Thursday 22 September 2016


Amazing the stuff you find lying on the
beach while taking a stroll along the seashore.
Nobody wanted her, so I just took her home with
me.  (Well, 'finders keepers' innit?)  Says her name
is MICHELLE KEEGAN and babbles on about
some place called 'Weatherfield', though I've
 no idea what she's talking about.


  1. I didn't know who she was so I just googled her - I used to watch Corrie regularly from about 1974 to 1995 but they started adding more episodes so I decided to stop watching. For the first 29 years there were just 2 episodes a week then in 1989 they increased it to 3 - then in 1995 or thereabouts Corrie moved to 4 episodes a week, that's when I packed it in. I think it's on every day now, isn't it ? Anyway, the stories were getting more and more melodramatic - in the good old days of the '70s it was a really big deal if Uncle Albert Tatlock's false teeth went missing. But those were simpler times.

  2. Someone described Coronation Street when it first started as a programme with 'all the boring bits left in'. Haven't seen it in years. I wonder how Ena Sharples is getting on? (Yeah, of course I know she's dead.)


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