Saturday 25 June 2016


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Well, it's the end of the road for TRI-MAN, SMASH! fans, as we present the final two episodes of his weekly adventures.  After imitating the SPIDER-MAN formula for most of its run, the strip now seemed to be borrowing an element from SUPERMAN, with TODD BLACKER determined to prove JOHNNY SMALL's superhero alias, much like LOIS LANE trying to expose CLARK KENT's secret identity.

However, it never happened!  Tri-Man was only seen once more in the pages of the Smash! Annual for 1971 (on sale in 1970), in a RON TURNER-illustrated tale which, in all likelihood, had been completed before the superhero's final weekly story recounting Todd's discovery of JS's secret.  You can read that full-colour Annual adventure by clicking this link.  Th-th-that's all, folks!  Bid Johnny goodbye.


  1. An enjoyable little strip thanks for showing this. I wonder if due to the ending a revamp and more stories were intended

  2. That's what I thought too, PM, the ending seemed to be setting up a new element for future stories. Or maybe the writer had been told that this was the last series and thought that the ending might invigorate demands from readers to see what happened next.

  3. Thanks so much for posting all these, Kid, I know we're in a minority, but I've really enjoyed all these!
    I was kind of hoping that all the bumps on the head would have given Tod amnesia!
    I guess it's a bit too late to write a letter to IPC now?

  4. Perhaps just a tiny bit late, JP - by about 46 years or so. Try writing to them anyway - you never know. (Of course, it would be Egmont you'd have to write to nowadays, but you could always try both.)


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