Saturday 25 June 2016


This dog and her two pups were featured in my local newspaper recently. The 'doggy-bank' has sat in my neighbourhood chemist's for many years, possibly even going as far back as the '50s or '60s.  The shop occupies larger premises than it did originally, having moved a few units along in (I think) the early '70s, into what used to be a cafe.

It's probably older than me, and I certainly remember it from my early teenage years, but to think it goes all the way back to my childhood (or beyond) is a startling thought.  I must remember to deposit a coin or three the next time I'm in - after all, every penny counts.  My eyesight isn't as good as it used to be, but I'm grateful for what I've got and don't take it for granted.  Next time you see one of these 'banks', make a deposit.

 (I'm sure you would anyway.)


  1. I remember these! I used to love putting money in them and I would do it today.

  2. Talking of dogs, Phil (Dr. Strange) S - are you the Phil who had the little dog that died? I'm trying to work out which 'Phil' comments are which.

  3. Nope mine was the chinchilla

  4. Ah, of course. If I remember correctly (and there's no guarantee), the post you left that comment on was about dogs, hence my mistake. Yours is the comment I was thinking of 'though.

  5. You don't see them so much these days, a great shame :(

  6. Yeah, AJ, it's usually the little counter-top collecting 'tins' nowadays. I remember there used to be a Sooty figure donation-'bank' somewhere in my town, but I forget which shop it was now.

    (Originally posted 27 June 2016 at 12:26.)


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