Friday 3 June 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

On sale now - The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL #26.
Worth £3.50 of anyone's money for the great cover alone.  Pick
up your own copy in WHS or any good newsagent today.  (And
don't forget to pay for it.  You'll feel good for being virtuous.)


  1. Isn't this actually number five hundred and something by now ? We were recently discussing how MWOM, Marvel Comic and Marvel Superheroes were supposedly the same entity because they followed the same numbering even though they were clearly three different comics but this version of MWOM has been re-booted at #1 about ten times since it began in the '90s - how on earth is it only #26 ?? That's just ridiculous !!

  2. Because it's Volume 5, Number 26, CJ. Even Eagle used to do that, I believe, as have other comics and magazines over many years. If you wish to view it as number 500 and something, I suppose you can, because the 1972 MWOM is regarded as Volume One, the 1983 version is counted as Volume Two, and the 2003 incarnation is considered Volume Three. (Even if Marvel/Panini mis-numbered it as Volume Two until I (yes, it was me) pointed out their mistake, then they fixed it. You fret over such trivial things, CJ - you need to get laid.

  3. But there has been an unbroken run of MWOM since the start of Volume 3 which if it began in 2003 means it should be about #170 by now (13 issues a year I believe) not #26. And I'm not "fretting", Kid - I'm just pointing out how silly and pointless those re-boots are. I can't get MWOM anyway as my local WH Smith's closed in 2014 and the nearest one is now about 20 miles away. I'm not travelling 20 miles just for a comic.

  4. The whole reason for those 'reboots', CJ, is to get new readers jumping on board with a new #1 every so often, which seems to work or else they wouldn't do it. In that sense, it's not pointless as it clearly serves a purpose. Why not take out a subscription and save some dosh?

  5. The Silver Surfer Mike Allred stuff is quite good. Please follow it.

  6. Have been, Phil, enjoying it too.


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