Friday 3 June 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

Psst!  Wanna know a secret?  The latest SECRET WARS
saga is now being played out in PANINI's line of MARVEL
Collecters' Edition mags.  Keep your eyes peeled for 'em.


  1. Someone explain. What was Civil War? Secret Wars? Secret wars 2? Civil war 2?

  2. Now you're asking, Phil. I think this is Secret Wars 3.

  3. Sadly, this latest Secret Wars was the point at which after over 40 years as a reader I am no longer reading any Marvel comics. I cannot countenance Marvel without a Fantastic Four book on the shelf.

  4. I can't see the FF being away forever, BB, but I must confess that I find current continuities rather annoying (and confusing) - in both the Marvel and DC Universes. I want to read about the characters I grew up with, not rebooted or alternate versions.

  5. I've waited for this to hit the Panini books, staying well away from the US comics and newsfeeds. First impression from Avengers 24 & 25 was that the end of the Marvel Universe was incredibly rushed, followed by another variation of Age of Apocalypse/House of M with familiar characters in unfamiliar roles. I hope this gets wrapped up quickly and a more normal Earth comes about.

  6. Chris, these reboots are a bit like someone coming into your room and thinking that your toys are boring, so they break bits off, add bits on, and turn them into something that only just resembles their original form. Marvel, DC - just hit the reset button and stop messing things up.


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