Monday 13 June 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Here's REED RICHARDS (aka MISTER FANTASTIC) in FF #1, making a lasso out of his arm - and turning his right hand into another left one.  Yup, artist JACK KIRBY 'kocked-up' again, but hey - didn't he do it nicely?


  1. Kid, I wonder if anybody except you has ever noticed these mistakes. And to think you accused ME of being concerned with trivial things when I said MWOM, Marvel Comic and Marvel Superheroes shouldn't have the same numbering :D

  2. That's a tricky one, are you going to feature the Kamandi dolphins?

  3. I seem to remember reading somewhere that Kirby did a fair amount of this sort of thing (probably due to the huuuge amount of output) and the inker usually picked up on it and corrected it, but I guess a few slipped through the net!

  4. Ah, but Ben and Reed don't think they're trivial, CJ. Think how YOU'D feel if your hands or feet suddenly wouldn't fit in one of your gloves or shoes. And women would think you were a freak if you had two left hands or feet.


    Probably, DSE - even 'though everybody knows about them.


    I'd imagine that there were even more that were caught and corrected, V&S, so we never got to see them.

    (Originally posted 13 June 2016 at 14:25.)


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