Monday 13 June 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

Nice pic by JACK KIRBY - and it looks as if JK used a live model or a photograph as reference when he drew that baby.  What I want to know, though, is why he could never give some characters the correct number of right and left hands or feet.  Here's another example of him having made that boob.  Of course, REED being made of rubber (essentially), I suppose it could be argued that he can bend (and shape) his fingers any which way he likes.


  1. If there's one character in comics who never looked the same twice, regardless of who was drawing her, it's Alicia....perhaps if you're scratching around for a subject one day, you might try "The Many Faces Of Alicia Masters"

  2. Another thing about this picture - Alicia has normal-looking eyes. Usually her pupils were white to indicate she was blind, weren't they ?

  3. Yeah, BS - considering that she originally closely-resembled Sue, she later became a bit of a chameleon. H'mm, I wonder when that Skrull first took her place?


    I think Jack Kirby drew her pupils, CJ - it was John Buscema or some later artists that made them white, I think.

    Two comments about Alicia at more or less the same time (both published together). How about that for a coincidence?

  4. Philip Crawley14 June 2016 at 01:47

    Very trusting of the FF to leave a blind person in charge of an infant too.

  5. I daresay she was just there to stick a bottle in the wean's gob and change its nappy, PC. I imagine there would've been all sorts of technology to guarantee Franklin's safety in case of attack by any of the FF's foes.

  6. Her father probably has a storage space of "Alicia's" that they switched out whenever necessary. Maybe the FF enjoyed the "in-joke" and winked at each other in front of each new Alicia?

  7. Sounds like a story in there to me, Kenn.


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