Tuesday 21 June 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

So what's wrong with this cover that it constitutes a KIRBY 'KOCK-UP' you may well be wondering.  Take a good look at the prostrate figure of CAPTAIN AMERICA - he's got an 'A' on his chest instead of a star!  How did Jack get that wrong?  He co-created the character for gosh' sake.  That aside, it's still a brilliant cover - inked by WALLY WOOD no less.


  1. Kid, you'll soon be receiving death threats from furious Kirby fans !!

  2. But I'M a Kirby fan - why would I send myself death threats? Anyway, only a cretin could miss the fact that these posts are an affectionate, light-hearted laugh at some of Jack's goofs - we all know he slipped up from time-to-time, as did every artist. And any negative comments would doubtless be sent anonymously (as those type of people are cowards), so I'd never get to read them as ALL anonymous comments are consigned to oblivion unread.

  3. Die Die Die! OK I win for the first Trans-Atlantic Death Threat! Yeah I love anything of Kirby's that Wood inked. I just stare and marvel at the shading and detail. I so miss this in modern comics which I rarely read. Too realistic, if you know what I mean.

  4. That's not a threat, merely a wish, so I'll let you off as you look too weak and wimpy in your avatar to do me much harm. Yeah, know exactly what you mean - some modern comics seem to forget that they're comics and not movie-stills.

  5. I would say that "error" was probably the worst one so far (compared to the "size" differences which were imho just made to fit the panel and at the same time to look good). I remember reading this story for the first time in the UK "Avengers" weekly back in the day - I still have it so Kirby etc are all forgiven as the comic (Don Heck I think did the interior art?) was so entertaining.

  6. Phil ( the other Phil)21 June 2016 at 19:02

    True story. Marvel created Simon Williams Wonder Man. DC threatened to sue because they had Wonder Woman. When DC created Power Girl, Marvel thought hey we could sue by why bother? Let's bring Wonder Man back! And so they did. Wally Wood co created Power Girl. He inked this Power Man cover. Coincidence?probably.

  7. Yup, PM, Heck did the interior art, inked by Wood if I recall rightly. I first read the tale way back in the '60s in Terrific. And are you saying that you think giving someone two left hands or feet isn't much of an 'error'. Gasp!


    Phil (the Dr. Strange lookalike), I suspected that the first Phil was using your recognized name in order to get his comment published, and whaddya know? I was right. I'll be deleting that comment, so let me know if the other comment (about Jack's boobs) is his or yours.

  8. This one is a hoot. I'd bet that Kirby's pencils were so scratchy on the star detail that Wood interpreted them as an "A". Seems logical to me, or maybe the King just fouled it up. What's really amazing is how this stuff gets by Stan and whomever was doing the the proofreading at the time.

    Keep it up. I love this type of stuff.

    Rip Off

  9. It did cross my mind that Woody might have misinterpreted the star, Rip, but Jack was very precise in his pencils, so I think it's unlikely to be Wally's fault. (Unless the pencil art got smudged at the inking stage.) Glad you like this type of stuff - I do too.


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