Monday 20 June 2016


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And now, the penultimate part of The INCREDIBLE TRI-MAN for all you slavering SMASH! fans who thrilled to the exploits of the U.K.'s first superhero back in the 1960s.  Catch the fantastic double-episode in the final instalment of this super series - coming soon!


  1. So that's what he did, I guess it's the onlu thing he could have done!
    Don't know how he manages to throw Tod off the scent in the final 4 pages, as he didn't seem at all suspicious in the annual!

  2. Remember 'though, JP, that the Annusl story may well have been produced before the weekly episodes you've just read. And continuity was never a strong point in one-off Annual stories anyway. He should've received a bump on the head that made him forget seeing Johnny without his mask.

    1. I did ponder that being a possibility, that the annual story happened before this one, but at the end of that story Blacker was giving it all, " mate, Tri-Man, me and him are bezzies...." kind of thing, whereas here he gives no indication of "my mate, Tri-Man".
      ( This really IS a serious discussion of considerable importance! Isn't it? We must get the bottom of this! )

  3. Nah, I'm not saying the Annual story HAPPENED before this one, JP, but that it was WRITTEN before it - maybe even by a different writer. I remember working on the 1986 2000 A.D. and Judge Dredd Annuals in February or March of 1985. Annuals are produced several months (6-8) before publication, weeklies are usually produced several weeks (8-12) before going to the printers. So the weekly story may not even have been written when the Annual one was - or may have been written at the same time, but by a different writer. Guess we'll never know.


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