Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

Another half-dozen covers from The ADVENTURES Of SUPERMAN for you to drool over, frantic ones.  One of the things I liked about this particular period was the use of JACK KIRBY's GOLDEN GUARDIAN and NEWSBOY LEGION characters, who I'd enjoyed reading about back in the 1970s.  In my humble view, JIMMY OLSEN (wherein GG and NL had appeared) was the best thing that Kirby produced during his time at DC, and at only 15 issues, it was, sadly, far too short a run.

So feast your eyes, then leave a comment of appreciation for the talents of JERRY ORDWAY, artist extraordinaire.


  1. Is that The Thing's hand on the last cover ???

  2. Got most of these as well with th eexception of issue 453 which looks excellent I think I will be looking at the back issue bins this weekend!

  3. Nope, it's just a hand that looks like the Thing's, CJ. Deliberately so, I'd imagine.


    You gotta get that ish, McS, even if it's just to fill a space.

  4. Fortunately these are dollar or two dollar comics now. Cheaper than new comics. So instead of wasting my money on new 52 or new rebirth I'll get these instead.

  5. Good thinking, Phil. I prefer back issues (or reprints) these days over most of the new stuff.


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