Friday 8 April 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

Another of my recent acquisitions is this magnificent volume by TASCHEN, devoted to The SILVER AGE Of DC COMICS - 1956 - 1970.  With an exclusive interview with NEAL ADAMS and absolutely loads of great images, why wouldn't you want to rush out and buy this right away?  What's that?  Your girlfriend's birthday's coming up and you need to get your priorities right you say?  Decisions, decisions.  Well, I'm sure you'll make the right choice - and don't worry - you'll soon find yourself a new girlfriend.

Available in your local comicbook store even as I type this!


  1. Well, if the girlfriend is a fan of Silver Age DC, that would solve everything.

  2. That looks a really nice book although from the cover I thought it was a collection of Flash stories from that period - I ve picked up quite a few of those "year by year" Marvel and DC silver age books from W H Smith that for £5, are a pretty good read (not as good as this look though). Im still saving up for the Dr Strange book with Ditkos strips

  3. Let her buy her own copy, TC - that's what 'equality' is for. Besides, who wants to spend that much on a girlfriend? She'll get a card and a bag of Maltesers for her birthday and be bloody well thankful. (You can see why I'm fighting them off, can't you?)


    I suppose the Flash features so prominently on the cover, McS, because his debut heralded the start of the Silver Age. As for that Dr. Strange Omnibus, I'm wishing my life away 'til it comes out. But why? I've already got all the stories.

  4. Maltesers and a card!? well I hope its not a jumbo pack you'll just spoil her and encourage her to want more next year it'll be a packet of Minstrels (at £2.99 a bag) - yeah the Doc Strange book looks great keen to read some of those Ditko classic again after all this time,

  5. Nah, small bag, McS. After all, she has her figure to think of. Roll on Doc Strange Omnibus day!

  6. Taken as a group ( silver age marvel and DC ) these are the best comics. The comics we think of as fifties comics really only had EC. Golden age stuff in general, not so good. I don't know if it was the artwork or reproduction but everything seemed muddy with really thick brush lines. Of course there were exceptional artists. But all you have to do is compare Infantino to himself. His silver age Flash is so clean and marvelously designed. His golden age Flash was nice but looks cluttered in comparison. Or Swan! His early stuff looked the same a Wayne Boring and didn't develop those wonderful brush strokes until later.

  7. In Swan's case, PS, I think he was told to draw like Wayne Boring, but it's amazing how some artists' styles change over the years. And not always for the better as they get older. Both Kirby's and Infantino's art deteriorated as they got near the end of their working life, alas - as did others.

    (Originally posted 8 April 2016 at 18:33)


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