Friday 8 April 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

"The first shall be last" - and so it transpires as we finally look at TASCHEN's great book, The GOLDEN AGE Of DC COMICS - 1935 - 1956.  As well as all the superb images you'd expect (you can see some of them below), there's also an exclusive interview with JOE KUBERT.  Written by PAUL LEVITZ, this terrific tome belongs on the bookshelves of every true comicbook collector, so you have no excuse for not dashing 'round to your nearest comics shop or bookstore, plonking your pounds on the counter, and saying "Slap me with a wet fish and call me Bob - and gimme that super DC book!"

In fact, why not buy all three volumes?  Then you can say you're doing important research on the history of DC whenever the wife asks you to take her out to some swanky restaurant for the evening.  Think of all the dosh having these books will save you in the long run.  You know it makes sense, so rush out and buy them today!


  1. I'd love all three volumes, Kid, perhaps one day. Still saving up for the Marvel Taschen book!
    Thanks for giving us a peek inside them.
    Did it have the cover of the very first DC comic in it?

  2. I'd have to check to be sure, JP, but I'd think it more than likely did. I'd like that Marvel Taschen book too, but I'd prefer them to reissue it in three volumes like the DC book, because they would have extra content - and are more manageable. Those suckers (the original editions) are biiiig!


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