Thursday 17 March 2016


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Much as it pains me to admit it, I can do no better at describing this book - a companion to an exhibition of JACK KIRBY art at California State University - than to quote from the spiel on the back cover: "COMIC BOOK APOCALYPSE... spotlights Kirby's art from the mid-'60s through the '70s - his most sublime and mind-bending work.  Illustrated with more than 100 images from such classic series as The FANTASTIC FOUR, The NEW GODS, and KAMANDIand with a store of essays by artists, storytellers, and scholars, this book provides the insightful, in-depth commentary that Kirby has always deserved."  (Published by IDW.)

One thing to remember perhaps, is that Jack Kirby was a comicbook artist with no illusions about the nature of the work he produced.  From a quick read of one of the essays that accompanies the art, there seems to be a desire to impose a pretentious meaning or motivation to some images that can be nothing more than wishful-thinking on the part of the writer.  Thankfully, it's Jack's art which is the main attraction here, not the imaginative if-specious over-analysis by any of the 'scholars'.

You can buy this visual beauty from your local comicbook store right now.  Rush 'round right away!

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