Thursday 17 March 2016


Okay, you may've already seen this, but it's
too good not to show just in case you haven't.


  1. I must have watched it about fifty to eighty times and then I watched people around the world reacting to their first view and I got the same buzz each time.

    I cant explain why, but it is excellent.

  2. The Captain America movies in particular have been excellent, Baab. I'm looking forward to this one.

  3. Yeah I must admit this one (with Batman v Superman) has my fanboy juices going overtime (I feel like Im 13 again) it looks really good plus it has Ant Man and Black Panther (2 of my favourites) - The Cap America films for me have been the best in the genre by a mile (the last one was a classic). Great stuff.

  4. And Spidey - in what looks like the classic costume. Winter Soldier was excellent. A superhero movie with an intelligent storyline - whoda thunk it? Now if only they could get the FF movies right.

  5. Yeah Kid - why can't they get the FF right? If something works and is succesful for reasons inherent in the material why not just adapt it from one medium to another, it ain't rocket science! But no, they have to screw with the characters and concepts that made it work in the first place and then wonder why the thing tanks as a film. The technology is there to create the visuals and make these superheroes work on screen if only the scripts matched the visuals. Perhaps they should get Stan to write them. I also agree that the Captain America movies have been the best, really capturing the feel, for me, of the classic comics.

  6. I enjoyed seeing the Silver Surfer in the 2nd FF movie, PC, but the actors who played Reed and Doom were miscast. And connecting Doom's origin to the FF's in the first movie was a mistake. I'd love to see the story from FF #s 90 to 93 (Ben captured by a Skrull to take part in the Great Games) being the next movie - as long as it was played straight.

  7. I vote Cap. Whenever the government tells me they know best I say ... What's the matter with you Spidey? Didn't the establishment falsely hounding you for decades teach you anything?

  8. That's what I didn't like about the Civil War comics - heroes acting out of character. Spidey especially. Reveal his identity? No way.


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