Saturday 23 January 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

JACK KIRBY, great as he was, wasn't always consistent from panel-to-panel, as can be seen above.  The woman next to the older man in the first pic is, in the second, suddenly alongside the younger man who was on the other side of the old guy.

This continuity lapse was corrected for reprints over the years, meaning that, unless you own the original ish of NEW GODS #1, you've never seen that panel as Jack originally drew it.  A  trivial thing to be sure, but I thought you might like to know.

(And in the reprint below, the blank space left by the deleted 'continued' panel hasn't been fully filled in.  Tsk, tsk - how careless of them.)


  1. I never noticed this and I have New Gods #1. Learn something everyday. Speed kills continuity.

    Rip Off

  2. I noticed years ago, but never thought it was a piece of trivia I'd put to use one day. Thank goodness for blogs, eh?


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