Friday 22 January 2016


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With these pages, you now have the complete Whizzer section of WHIZZER & CHIPS #7 from 1969.  In part three, the first eight pages of Chips will mean you're well on your way to having a whole issue of one of Britain's best-loved comics of yesteryear.  Hard to believe that after a 21 year run, Whizzer & Chips has now been absent from newsagents for a staggering quarter of a century!  Tempus Fugit indeed.

See you all in part three, Criv-ites.


  1. Instant nostalgia hit there Kid as soon as I saw the Reg Parlett "The Mummy's Curse" strip I was back to 1069 and my old Primary school in Rutherglen. I constantly keep forgetting that "Whizzer and Chips" came out in 1969 a time when I was still regularly reading and loving UK comics (always seems like it started about 1972/3 to me for some reason) - I also forgot all about "The Stealer" strip (amazing Tom Kerr art) and to be honest I still don't fully recall it only rings a bell as I think you showed a page of this strip in a previous article. Was "Champ" a "Whizzer and Chips" original strip as I seem to relate that one to the "Buster" (didn't Leo Baxendale create/work on that strip?) -

  2. Ooops "1969" not "1069" although sometimes it feel slike it was 1069 - (typing without a light on is not a good idea

  3. 1069? I knew you were old, McS, but not THAT ancient. Yeah, as far as I know, Leo Baxendale drew The Champ before Colin Whittock took over at some stage. The page in this post looks like Bax, but the Champ's face isn't typical of him, looking more like Whittock's (I think). In fact, the face doesn't even match the one in the logo, which makes me wonder whether it might've been altered by another hand. The Champ later turned up in Buster, I believe, but I can't remember when.

  4. Ah, right, your correction's just come in. I was beginning to think you were one of the undead.

  5. Kid, this is a strange request but are you aware of any comic in the early '70s that featured a comic-strip version of the life of St. Francis of Assisi ? We weren't Catholic or religious so I'd never have heard of St. Francis if I hadn't read his life story in a weekly strip in a comic - but for the life of me I can't think what the comic was. The only comics I recall getting at that time were The Beezer and The Topper...but it would be odd to think of them featuring a weekly strip about St. Francis of Assisi.

  6. Marvel Comics did a St. Francis of Assisi comic book in the late '70s (possibly early '80s) so it's unlikely to be that one. The Sparky Annual for 1968 had a D.D. Watkins illustrated story about The Bible's King David (reprinted from an earlier comic I'd imagine), so your Francis tale could well have appeared in the Beezer or Topper, or maybe even one of the Annuals. D.C. Thomson weren't against publishing religious-themed strips.


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