Monday 18 January 2016


Taken outside Glasgow University

Here's a snap from a couple of years ago, taken by pal MOONMANDO as he tried out some fancy effect with his camera while taking the photo (as opposed to the editing stage as I'd have done), and blurring my good looks in the process.   Some people say I look much better with my face obscured, and while I obviously don't agree with their assessment, here's the pic anyway for my many female admirers.

(They must exist somewhere, surely?  Apart from my imagination I mean.)


  1. Congratulations on winning Hunk of the Month sir!

  2. Thanks, AJ - I'll try not to let it go to my head. (Can you believe I was the only person who voted?)

  3. I've got a friend who snaps pictures like that, his excuse is that he's only got one leg.

  4. That can't be right, I voted for myself so that would make it a draw wouldn't it? There must have been a second vote to push you along...I think you do yourself an injustice sir. Unless, you voted more than once... I demand a recount!!

  5. You mean on his tripod, DSE?


    Oo-er, I've been rumbled, AJ. I bribed my pet spider to vote for me.

  6. He doesn't have a tripod, keeps asking to borrow mine, I told him to hop it.

  7. Better watch he doesn't steal your tripod and leg it.


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