Monday 18 January 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

Two comic mags for the price of one this time around, peeps, with ACTION COMICS #358 & 359.  The reason?  The tale is a two-parter, and I thought it only right to showcase both issues at the same time.  I associate both of them with my grandparents' itchy red bed-settee, so must have taken them with me on one of our regular Sunday visits back in the '60s.

The SUPERBOY back-up tale reminds me of that settee on at least two different occasions.  The one mentioned above, and a few years later in the early '70s, when it was reprinted in a Superboy Annual (if I recall rightly).  It was reprinted again in FOUR STAR SPECTACULAR #3 in '76, which may well have been read by me while again sitting on that same red settee on yet another Sunday visit.

Remember me telling you about me and one of my boyhood buddies, JOHN FIDLER, sitting in the doorway of my outside garden cellar while poring over a SUPERGIRL story and deciding to create a potion for turning a couple of KARA lookalikes into real life Supergirls?  (When we'd both grown-up obviously.)  Well, there's just something about the look of that back-up tale in ish #359 which suggests to me it may have been the one.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll have your own memories associated with these two issues, so why not share them with your fellow Criv-ites in the comments section?  It'll make you feel good.


  1. I always loved DCs covers from the late 60s - 1973 (ish) especially the ones by Neal Adams, Joe Kubert and Nick Cardy - Action 359 is one I have always fancied picking up - Superman was just great fun around this time.

  2. Have you got #358, McS? 'Cos #359 is the 2nd part of the tale begun in the previous issue. Worth having both of them.

  3. Always loved those Neal Adams covers. Looks like Curt Swan for the interior story (Anderson inks?), but any guesses on who drew the Supergirl story? Really was remiss of DC not to credit their creative talent. We had a lot of these turn up here in Australia, years after the original publication it seems, as black and white reprints, at least we got to see them at least and the covers were in colour in not the interiors.

  4. I've tucked the comics away again, PC, so don't have them handy to study the art, but it looks like George Klein inks on the Superman tales, especially on the first one. Kurt Schaffenberger drew the Supergirl story, and Jim Mooney the Superboy one.


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