Thursday 31 December 2015


Sweet CAROLINE - what more
need be said but "Have her washed
and brought to my room"?  (In fact,
don't even bother 'bout washing her
 - she'll do fine just as she is.)


John Pitt said...

Have a Happy New Year, Kid and thanks for another year's entertainment! Looking forward to catching up on your posts, especially the POTA's!
And CJ thought that HE was late!!

Kid said...

Happy New Year to you too, JP.

Phil said...

Happy new year! It's a good way to see out 2015.

Kid said...

And a Happy New Year to you as well, Phil.

Mr Straightman said...

According to the long-forgotten BBC2 programme A Whole Scene Going, Caroline Munro was tipped to be 'the face of 1966'.
As we all know, Twiggy became the face of 1966, whilst Caroline became the boobs of 1973.

Kid said...

Let's face it - Twiggy could never have been the boobs of either year.

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