Monday 30 November 2015


Images copyright DC COMICS

Don't you just love Anniversary issues?  I know I do!  So here are some DETECTIVE COMICS covers for you to appreciate just because they were close to hand.  Look at #572, fourth image down (not counting the one above), which came out in December 1986.  Difficult to believe I first read it 29 years ago - and it's still in the same condition as when I bought it back then.  And check out #627 - bringing things nicely full circle.

Got a favourite?  Then tell us which one, effendi!


  1. Of the ones you posted Detective 500. I also liked JLA 100 that while cross over.

  2. Can't remember if I've got that one - must look it up.

  3. I don't own it anymore, but that 500th issue of Detective was a huge bundle of fun comics reading, truly a celebration. The artistic talent in that book is tremendous.

    Rip Off

  4. It's one of the few comics I don't remember buying, Rip, which is odd for me. I didn't get it when it first came out, not acquiring it 'til a good few years afterwards. I suspect I got it at a mart, or perhaps mail order, but you're right about it being a belter.


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