Tuesday 1 September 2015


Image copyright DC COMICS

For no other reason than because I like it.  Did you have any BATMAN colouring books when you were a kid?  Feel free to share any reminiscences you may have in our captivating comments section.  (It's nothing without you!)


  1. Never had any Batman colouring books, but I did used to have several Dalek ones. One had a yellow cover, and the follow-up, if memory serves, was a tie-in with the first Dalek movie. It sported a red cover adorned with three or four stills from the film.
    I think there were one or two later ones from the 70s and 80s, but these were horribly drawn cash-ins.
    I used to have a 1960s Batman annual. The only thing I can remember about it now is that it featured a photo on the cover from the movie (Batman holding that bomb above his head). You may even have it somewhere in your collection!

  2. I'd like to think I had a Daleks colouring book, MC, but I can't remember if I did or not. I don't think I have that Batman Annual in my collection, but I've seen the cover somewhere - might even have a pic of it in one of my folders. The '60s were a great time for stuff, eh?

  3. I had a Partridge Family coloring book. It was around that time we figured out I was partly color blind when people were coming out green and I was going what they look flesh colored to me......many years later I met Shirley Jones and can report she is not green.

  4. I had a Wombles colouring book, but I was never into the Partridge Family, so no colouring books of theirs for me.

  5. I remember that there were Batman coloring books (along with Batman-just-about-everything-else) in 1966, but I don't remember if I had any. The "Robin in the Batcave with Batman" one seems vaguely familiar. For some reason, I associate it (or some other Batman coloring book; not sure) with my late aunt's house; I don't recall if it was mine, and I took it there, or if she gave it to me. She kept coloring books, games, etc., for when we visited.

    IIRC, it had (simplified) retellings of "Raid of the Rocketeers" from Batman #178, and the first Blockbuster story.

    I remember a classmate in second grade had one with the Riddler in it; the artwork was from Batman #179.

    I never watched The Partridge Family. My cousin, who was a teenager at the time, watched it because she liked David Cassidy (as did seemingly every teenage girl in America). If I had been a little older, I probably would have watched it for Susan Dey.

  6. There's a post on this blog about that Robin in the Batcave colouring book, TC. I had it as a kid and managed to find a replacement for it many a year ago. Great cover. It reminds me of under Glasgow's Stockwell Bridge (where I first saw it in the window of a shop) and also classroom 7 in my primary school, where I took it in one day to colour it in during breaks. (It also reminds me of the house where I lived at the time, of course.)


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