Tuesday 1 September 2015


Ten years after seeing SUPERMAN The Movie in the ABC in Glasgow, I viewed
TIM BURTON's BATMAN film in the same darkened halls.  Have to say, I absolutely
loved it.  Tell you what - let's watch the trailer together and relive old memories, eh?


  1. I have two stories about my Batman t shirt. I was in a restaurant in Santa Monica and the waitress called me caped crusader.

    I was wearing the same t shirt waking in a supermarket in Sydney and this old guy walks up to me and tells me he doesn't like my thirty and I'm too old to be wearing it. Straight out of the blue.

    I don't have any moral or message other than perhaps he was on ornery old coot. But it was my Batman t shirt from the movie.

  2. He must've been a Superman fan, Phil. In the '60s I got laughed at for playing at Batman; 20-odd years later, everyone's walking about wearing Batman T-shirts. I was ahead of my time.

  3. I know , right? Whose got the last laugh now cranky old Sydney dude? Also I think I saw Batman four times. At the premier back before ads on the movies, they had the curtain drawn and the bat signal lighting the curtain.

  4. I must've seen it at least that amount of times myself, Phil. When I enjoyed a movie, I returned several times, especially with the Bond films. I saw Superman the Movie seven times on the big screen - 4 or 5 times in Glasgow's ABC, and two or three times in my local cinema after the Glasgow run. That Bat signal on the curtain sounds cool.

  5. (I concur, the Bat signal on the curtain sounded amazing!) It’s funny, I love both Cesar Romero and Jack Nicholson’s versions of the Joker and never compare the two (much like Keaton and West) but I didn’t care for Heath Ledger’s version (although I liked the plot and the Joker’s dialogue I just didn’t like the way he played it) and detest how every Joker these days has to ask “why so serious” and walk round with lipstick smeared all over his face. Most of the world seem to have forgotten how Keaton delivered the goods and just how brilliant Jack was as the Joker and how epic this film was/is. I start to rock back and forth humming the Elfman theme whenever someone starts to praise the more recent films….

  6. I'd say that, out of every Batman movie made since 1989, the first one was the best. It'll be interesting to see what the new one is like, AJ. Let's hope it's a good 'un.

  7. I remember when the movie came out. A co-worker of mine complained about the violence and grimdark tone. I tried to explain that the strip was like that when it began in 1939. It turned out she didn't know the character even existed before the 1966-68 TV series.

    Which reminds of Jay Leno's stand-up act at the time. He said, "There's a lot of merchandising tied in with the Batman movie. Batman posters, Batman toys, Batman T-shirts. They even have Batman comic books now."

  8. When I saw the film for the first time, after it had finished, as myself and two friends were making our way up the aisle on our way out, I heard someone say "I thought it was going to be like the TV show" (which had recently enjoyed a resurgence of interest in Britain on breakfast TV). They sounded disappointed, and I found myself thinking "What a tit!"

  9. Having seen what the Joker will look like in the Suicide Squad movie I think the ship has sailed for me as far as Batman movies... (rocks back and forth)

  10. The TV show is now running in reruns on MeTV, and some ads for it took some of the action scenes and tried to make it look grimdark. So, there may be younger people watching it and coming away grumbling, "I thought it was going to be like the Dark Knight movie."

  11. I don't think I'll be bothering with the SS movie, AJ - from the sound of it, it doesn't appeal to me.


    TC, one of the later DVD releases of the '66 movie had a cover which suggested the Dark Knight mood. As you say, some kids are bound to be disappointed - or maybe even pleasantly surprised.

  12. I've seen that dark variant cover of the 66 Batman movie and found to be quite amusing

  13. It's an interesting cover, AJ, but it certainly doesn't suggest the true mood of the movie - or even of the TV series.

  14. I stopped in my tracks when I saw it and examined the back of the case! I rather liked the sepia cover for the 40’s serials though, even though it looks more like the animated series...

  15. I don't have the '40s serials, apart from one episode on another collection of something, AJ. It didn't really inspire me to want to see the others.

  16. No, Mrs Jones felt the same way (Pure West fan and will not even except Keaton in the role) Even though they (sadly)| lack a Joker or Catwoman they are a bit of fun. I guess it helps that I’m partial to classic movie serials anyway. Interestingly though, I just looked them up on Amazon and I recommend a peek at the covers available… http://www.amazon.co.uk/Batman-Robin-Serial-Collection-Region/dp/B0007G89FU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1441188037&sr=8-2&keywords=batman+serials

  17. Took a look, AJ. Now if only the serials were as good as that cover, eh?

  18. As much as I like them, they aren't that good! On the theme of Batman have you seen 'Return to the Batcave' I thought that was fun...

  19. Yup, I've got the DVD - enjoyed it muchly.

  20. I have to say I thought the last 2 Batman movies the "Dark Knight" and the "Dark Knight rises" were excellent films ( took me a while to get uses to Batman voice) and for me are by far the best Batman movie to date ( Ledgers Joker was fantastic imho)- The 1989 film was good as well I really liked Keaton in the Batman role. As a kid I loved the 60s Batman series, no doubt a classic of its type but I cant watch it now to silly as opposed to fun (to me at least) Batman in the comics is the opposite way too serious so much so I stopped reading his books years ago (only getting the odd one in those 5 for £1 packs) but the comics based on the cartoon series (and the cartoons themselves)are /were great.

  21. I enjoyed all 3 Christian Bale Batman movies, McS, although I think they'd have benefitted from being shorter. As for the last one, what the hell did they do to the sound? It wasn't just Bane who was hard to understand. Needs redubbed, I'd say. I'm debating with myself whether or not to buy the Batman DVD boxed set of the '66 TV series. I suspect that having the '66 movie is all one really needs to supply one's nostalgia fix as far as the show goes.

  22. I liked the Prince song 'Batdance' which was a #1 hit I think. I've never seen any of the Christian Bale Batman films, they seem a bit too serious and joyless. I'm surprised you haven't bought the '60s box set, Kid - it'll nag at you till you do, you are a collector after all :)

  23. If I do buy it, I'll wait 'til it's on sale at a fraction of the price, CJ. Who wants to pay more than they have to? You got any box sets?

  24. I haven't got any box sets at the moment, Kid, but I have had some in the past - in 2003 I bought a box set of all 14 episodes of the Planet Of The Apes TV show and all those episodes have recently appeared on YouTube so I'm working my way through them - I've watched 9 with 5 to go. For me POTA is THE classic show of my childhood and led directly to me discovering Marvel comics. So you might wonder why I didn't keep the box set - I suppose I'm just not a collector.

  25. Sometimes I think I wish I wasn't either - then I wouldn't be enslaved to so much stuff. Most times I'm glad I am 'though.


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