Monday 10 August 2015


Images copyright DC COMICS

Two for the price of one this time around, although it's the same comic.  This was the one that launched the post-CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS incarnation of SUPERMAN,  though to my way of thinking, it was fixing something that wasn't actually broken.  This one I could live with, but the DC Universe has been revised so many times since then that I've lost interest and no longer buy any current titles.  Haven't done in many a year in fact, so well done DC COMICS for driving readers away in droves with your constant needless tinkering.


  1. A lot of fans have lost interest in both DC and Marvel. And the endless cycles of retcons and reboots are a big part of the reason why.

  2. Yup - and they still haven't learned their lesson, TC. Will they ever?

  3. Clark in a bomber jacket and butt hammock trousers, it just don't seem right.

  4. I know what you mean, DSE. Whatever happened to his blue pinstripe suit?

  5. I haven't lost interest in Marvel - I came back to reading comics in 2007 after a 24-year "rest" and I'm currently reading Legendary Star-Lord Vol.2 and Deadpool Vol.8 (both downloaded). And I'm looking forward with interest to the all-new post-Secret Wars Marvel :)

  6. Well, you lost interest for 24 years, so that counts for something. And you're not really a collector of comics, only an internet reader of them. Collectors - those who have been buying actual comics since the '60s or '70s - seem to have been alienated by continual reinventions of their once-favourite characters. Basically, you'r the odd man out, CJ. (I mean Groot.)

  7. Kid, I didn't exactly lose interest in Marvel - I just felt I'd outgrown them and should stop reading them (stupid me) but eventually I "came home" which sounds corny but it sums up what it felt like. I have a great fondness for the characters too but perhaps I don't mind the re-inventions so much as you (and others) do. But I don't like the liberties taken with the movie versions, that's going too far.

  8. I regard all needless (and therefore pointless) changes as taking things too far, whether in the movies OR the comics. I don't mind SOME of the movie changes to the same extent 'though.


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