Monday 10 August 2015


Photo taken by Ian MacNair (with my camera)

Here's a shot of my stunningly manly, handsome self from a few short years ago, when I had some of my vast collection on display.  Last year, I had to pack it all away to allow workmen to lift the floorboards to lay some new pipes, etc., and most of it is still up in my loft, but I'll get it all down again one day.


  1. Ah, but will you get all your stuff down again, Kid ? Or will it always remain something you intend to do in a month, two months, six months ? I'm still amazed at the fact that you have around 200 boxes of memorabilia - I assumed maybe 15-20 at the most. I don't envy you getting all that down again.

  2. It could turn out that way, CJ, because I need to do some decorating before I bring it all down again and I just don't have the energy or the inclination for it at the moment. As we all know, our intentions don't always match our actions, but, touch wood, I'll get everything done before I fall off the twig. (Hopefully not for 100 years or so - at least.)

  3. Many years and many memories there I'm guessing! You recently inspired me to drag some of my collectables out of the cupboards and onto display (part of the fun of having 'em is being able to see that you have 'em, on a regular basis), But I think I'd have to live to be 100 myself to come closing to matching the quantity that you have. By the way I know that you are fond of Daleks and I have just spent a moment or two playing the Dalek version of 'Where's Wally?' trying to find one in that picture. Or do you have a special annex at the back of the house overflowing with them? Always like seeing other people's memorabilia collections. Thanks.

  4. There were some Daleks to the left of me, PC, out of the pic, and some in front of me, again out of vision. Most of my Daleks were in another room 'though. I'll maybe post a few other pics of the small room you see me in, which (I think) show a few Daleks. By the way, you can see a Daleks Rolykins box (one of the new ones) next to the Clanger to the right of me (from your point of view).

  5. I have never had the urge to put any of my "collectables" on show (oooer missus), everything is in boxes etc except for a single Hulk model that my girlfriend bought me that is in my living room - although recently I have been tempted to put some comic art or a comic cover a nice picture frame for display in my hall area.


  6. Ach, be honest, McScotty. What you mean is that your girlfriend won't let you put your 'boys toys' on display for fear of embarrassing her in front of her friends. Of course, it's different with the one that she bought you because she'd moan if you didn't have that one on show. ("Where's that Hulk I bought you? Why don't you have it on display?" Moan, nag, moan, nag, etc.) Reclaim your life and put that piccie in the hall before she notices. Support the brotherhood - make a move for men's rights today! (What's happened to your avatar? Can't make it out.)

  7. Kid, I was thinking the same about Paul's avatar photo, it's so dark. But at least he didn't turn into a tree like me - it's a bugger trying to type when you've got twigs for fingers.

  8. I think I'll call you 'Groot' from now on, CJ. (er, I mean Groot.)

  9. That robot in the bottom left corner of the picture... That's not "Cargantua" is it??

    My living space used to be like that, until I moved to my current place - most of it's been in boxes behind the couch for the last five years now! One of these days...

    I miss the "look" of the old place, when I see pictures of it:

  10. Took a look at that link, THB - that's some collection you've got. I can't remember my robot's name, or even if it's got one. I've got two of them, which are the exact same, except that one is supposed to emit smoke when it's in motion. They're up in the loft, as are the boxes (but they're in a different part - you could get two rooms in my loft).

  11. Lol good one Kid had a wee laugh at that reply - to be honest it would be my mates that would think it's errr "weird" (or in one case "creepy") that an adult still likes comics - they just don't get it so I don't push it with them. Linda's actually ok with my interest in comics and got me 5 when we were away in Chester/Liverpool for a break (I got Hulk 119,120 & 146 & 179 and Spider-man 117,118- all in rally good condition for £12 the lot). I had to open a new GMail account hence the picture have just updated some of it today.

  12. £12 is a good buy, sure enough, McS. When are you going to start doing a blog and share all your goodies with us? You could do it under an alias to spare your blushes with your mates.


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