Friday 21 August 2015


You're looking at the Secret Coder given away with SMASH! #109 in 1968.  What's that?  You used to have it and always wanted to find a replacement?  Well, ain't it your lucky day!  Happy to be of assistance.


  1. Oh that took me right back to being 8 years old again - I remember getting this like it was yesterday getting this in a newsagents (stil there last time i looked) in Eastfield Rutherglen with my pal Alan before heading off to play football - I recall just wanting to read the comic and get the coder - of course that didn't stop me playing a fantastic game of football and scoring the winner with a 50 yard screamer (hey it was 47 year ago whose going to correct me with reality!, in my mind that's what happened)

  2. As Kenneth Grahame said about Mr. Toad's highly exaggerated accounts of his adventures in The Wind In The Willows: "Those are always the best and the raciest adventures; and why shouldn they not truly be ours, as much as the somewhat inadequate things that really come off?"

  3. I must have had this on release, as I used to buy all the Power Comics every Saturday through 67/8. But, although the cover seems familiar, I can't remember this decoder, (shame on me!) DD would have been the Marvel star, right?
    Anyway, feel free to post as many Smash covers as you like, Kid. I love 'em!

  4. Well, you've got it now, JP. I think DD was in the comic at this time, but I'd have to dig out the comic again to make sure.


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